My Dream scenario is Biden dies the day after the democratic convention leaving them stuck with Kamala, and then e Trump narrowly loses and runs 3rd party to be able to pardon himself. Then Cornel West pulls it off for the greens. He might be just about the only person I unambiguously trust to do the right thing with that power. The only problem is I doubt Kamala could make it the 5 months or so without starting a nuclear war.

While I prefer Trump to Biden or Kamala, his ego makes him to easily flattered by neocons who go undermine him at every step. His entire presidency seemed to be more ego stroking, and billionaire tax cuts rather than anything to improve my life.

I remember being in highschool when it became apparent that republicans didn't care whatsoever about facts or evidence, just ideology. Then watching Clinton spew lie after lie after lie in 2016 with her media sock puppets encouraging her I realized at most 5% of the population even cares about the accuracy of politicians. and even less have spent enough time to be able to tell what is and isn't a lie. I have a hard time imagining anything besides terminal decline for this country.

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I dunno. TDS (TrumpDerangementSyndrome) is still pretty powerful where I am.

I hope you are right and that Trump is still capable of changing course and renounce the "jabs" and embrace Peace. But we have too many geriatrics (like him) in positions of power.

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